Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chinesse Woman Play Rope Skipping Games with a High Heels

Have you ever played a rope skipping games?? well that was one of the most famous games when i was a child. usually when we play those game we don't use any shoes or sandals but this Chinese woman do this rope skipping games with a high heels!!

Dozens of Chinese women wearing high-heels shoes participated in the sports game, including teenage girls and middle-aged women. The game included several traditional events, such as rope skipping and kicking shuttlecock.

Chinese women compete in the rope skipping event of a high heels sports game in Nanjing city..

well how can they keep their balance in these high heels??

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bizarre Boxing Match | Boxing above the Ice

Well this might the most bizarre boxing match I've ever seen this far. the boxer have to handle the cold weather while they fight each other. hmm such as extreme sports.

Wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and sneakers, a group of winter swimmers entertained passers-by during a series of boxing matches performed on a block of floating ice. Held in Harbin City, the wacky competition had contestants punch each other with over sized boxing gloves while struggling to keep their balance on the slippery ice.

One of the ice boxers lost his temper when the referee tried to stop him from hitting his downed opponent and knocked the “official” in the ice-cold water surrounding the ring.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Longest eyelashes Record | Woman with the Longest Eyelashes in the World

Well this woman might be held the record as the woman with the longest eyelashes in the world today.

Unfortunately i didn't get the information about this girls. but i thinks this girls could held the guiness world of records for her long eyelashes. Scalp Mvhayy the head grows eyelids. Eyelid eyes against sunlight, dust and moisture, protects.Chinese girl in this picture you can see the effects of the drug suffered wrong side growth is too eyelashes.However, the procedure used to review spending and Guinness now Rkvrdar books in this field

Wonder how she is going to see this beautiful world with that long eyelashes. Er, girl, do you comb it everyday? Be careful not to hurt your eyes and oh, tie it with a ribbon…it will look pretty nice.

How to keep your business protected

If you don't work for a company with more than 200 people in it, your business might be considered small. Yes, standards have changed and now we are facing the truth that is called - big business world - the world where people run big companies and make big money. If you are the owner of a big business you can consider yourself a gambler, as you constantly risk something. I can either bring you a jackpot or ruin you completely. But that is what most gamblers love - they love the risk. It is easier with small companies. Here the small amount of risk is involved. As you practically only have yourself to take care of, an insurance is just a necessary thing. That is why you become obsessed with the idea of finding an insurance that would match your criteria and won't hit your pocket with a big stick.

So what are the main features of the coverage that you have to think about - that is overall liability, property insurance and of course, employee reward. Employee reward insurance is the sort of insurance that gives financial compensation to the workers who are physically hurt, handicapped due to the circumstanced that took place at work. This type of coverage is regulated by the government most of the time.

Property coverage includes losses of assets caused by some disasters and misfortunes, accidents or theft. The insurance will replace your equipments, furniture and inventory, and in some cases can even start reparation works of the whole building if that is inevitable. It can actually work both ways - you can receive monetary compensation and replace everything yourself or accept the reparation work. But it is uncertain how to act so that it is the best, as most of the time everything depends on the money available to you. But we have to confess that the insurance companies do not replace everything taking into consideration the face value of the goods. It can happen so that the money they will give you won't be enough no matter how hard you try to find the thing you need. In such case, extra expenses can't be escaped.

When it comes to general liability we have to assure you that the small business insurance will be totally by your side covering all the damages you have to deal with but also fees and payments that you are due to pay legally. A court case is never cheap event, so even in case you win one you will have put thousands of dollars, spending money on a good lawyer. With a policy like this all your lawyer expenses will be paid for, as well as court costs, fees to witnesses, and decrease in income while the situation takes place.

Small business insurance can be a beneficial investment. Being a small entrepreneur you ought to think about tomorrow. And your tomorrow has to be protected. This world accepts people that are daring but smart. Don't think that people that go for insurances are insecure. They are secure and clever because they pay and let the worries disappear. Small business insurance is the key to a care-free existence for businessmen that need a guarantee. And this guarantee is guaranteed to be good.

Monday, December 28, 2009

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