Saturday, January 30, 2010

Scott Moore the Pregnant Man will Born a Baby

A transgender couple have revealed they are expecting their gives birth first baby in a month’s time. Scott Moore- thought to be only the second ‘pregnant man’ to go public - is due to give birth to a boy in February, with husband Thomas by his side.Wiki

The couple were both born girls and have undergone surgery to transform their sex. Scott, 30, who is legally married to Thomas because he still has a female birth certificate, says he is eagerly looking forward to giving birth.

They have decided to call the child ‘Miles’. ‘We know some people will criticise us but we are blissfully happy and not ashamed,’ Scott said. The couple, from California, already have two children - Gregg, 12, and Logan, 10 - who Thomas had with a previous female partner.

The case is similar to that of Thomas Beatie, from Oregon, who made headlines around the world in 2008 when he gave birth to a girl.

Scott, who started out in life as a girl named Jessica, first realised he wanted to be a man when he hit puberty aged 11. ‘When I told my family they thought I was crazy but they gradually realised I was serious and allowed me to start taking male hormones when I was 16 years old,’ he said.

His parents paid £4,600 for Scott to have his 36DDD chest removed. However, he could not afford the gender surgery, so still has female organs. Thomas, who used to be called Laura, had a hysterectomy and gender reassignment surgery last year

They met in 2005 at a support group meeting for transgender men but lost touch – but saw each other again in 2007. ‘We knew we had to be together,’ Scott said. ‘Two months later I gave up my job to live with Thomas and the boys.

‘Now they call me “dad two”.’The couple, who live in a four-bedroom house, decided in December 2008 to try for a baby. Scott was inseminated with the sperm of a male friend and fell pregnant in June 2009.

‘We were so happy we did what all gay men do when they get excited - we went shopping,’ Thomas said. The couple have dismissed concerns that Miles might be teased at school, saying they are confident they can deal with it.

‘We've been through it already,’ Thomas said. ‘My son Logan was bullied but now he just says to teasers: “You may have a problem with my two dads but I don't so you're not hurting me”.’

Scott plans to have a natural birth at their local hospital. Their doctor and obstetrician have told the medics at the local hospital. ‘We didn't want everyone to be shocked when a man turns up to give birth,’ Scott said.‘We found it very difficult to get a doctor and midwife at first. It was hard when people didn't want to treat me.

‘No pregnant person should be denied healthcare just because they are a man.’ But he added: ‘I'm looking forward to giving birth now. With Thomas at my side everything will be just fine.’

Thomas said: ‘We want to show the world that trans-families can be healthy, loving and nurturing.’

Source : Unbelievable Stuff

World Most Expensive Taxi

Taxi or cabs are one of the essential part of the city transportation system ride. They provide the service to driving people to their destination. Different country has different design of the taxi or cabs.

Below are some of the luxury and the most expensive taxis around the world. The ultimate purpose is to create a comfortableness for the passengers, to enjoy the first class city trip from one location to another. Customers will end up with the unforgettable memory on enjoying the drive and the highest price they need to pay for the taxi’s fee fare.

Planning to meet your family's health needs

As you grow up, you take your parent's health plan for granted. There always seems to be enough money around to pay for the treatment you need. Then comes the magic birthday. Suddenly you are 18 and you can start making your own decisions. Yet, there seems little incentive. You are fit and healthy. Why bother? Well, if there is no job with a health package thrown in, the earlier you begin paying into a private health plan, the more money builds up to your credit with that insurer. Over time, you will pay less because of that accumulated value. If you wait until you are older and the probability of poor health is higher, the premiums will start at a higher number. That said, the majority of people put off getting a plan until children are on the way. Perhaps paranoia comes with being a parent, but it's surprising how often you take your children to see the doctor. This is very expensive if you are uninsured. More generally, it's also worth remembering that everyone lives longer these days. Having a health plan in place from a young age gives everyone the best value coverage.

The reality of children is a strain on your household budget. Until they arrive, you have no real idea just how expensive they are going to be. That means finding a health plan offering the maximum coverage and paying as much of the expenses as possible. There will be little slack in your budget and you do not want to hit your savings every time you see a physician or need to buy medication. Suppose you have agreed to a high deductible or the levels of copayments and out-of-pocket expenses is capped on the high side, you might have to delay treatment until you have saved enough to pay. You might not be able to afford the price of the must-have drugs. If you have to watch your children getting sicker, this is going to increase your stress and anxiety levels. It's a source of poor health for you. But if you have put a good family health plan in place, you can sleep better at night and, if the worst happens and a claim has to be made, you can focus on what's important - getting the children well again - without having to worry about finding the money to do it.

With the right planning, you can find affordable family health plans. To start, you need to define your needs and do a little calculation. What coverage do you and your dependents need? What can you afford to pay as instalments? What savings do you have? It's possible you can pay for visits to the doctor and reserve the coverage to hospital-based treatment. Only when you know what combination of cover you need and what you can afford to pay, can you ask for health insurance quotes. Once you have the quotes, take the time to work through them. If any of these health insurance quotes are unclear, pick up the telephone or send e-mails asking for more information. Insurance companies exist to profit from the policies once sold. Before you buy, they are anxious to help. When you have the best information possible, decide on the plan to give you peace of mind.

Planning renovation work

Although it may seen odd to talk about spending money on your property during a recession and a credit crunch, this is the time when you may be most at risk if you start changing things around. Let's start with a simple question. One of the results of this downturn has been a dramatic increase in the level of unemployment. So many more people have either found their hours cut or they are out of work. But what to do? The bills are still there to be paid. The obvious answer for some is to start running some kind of business from home. Even if your efforts only produce a few dollars of profit a week, that's a few dollars more than you would have had. Except that's changing the use of a part of your home from residential to commercial. So think about what business you might try. It might be turning your kitchen into a catering operation to sell cakes and cookies. You might look to do some woodworking in the garage. Your spare bedroom might become a home office. The idea is to convert an existing hobby or skill into money. Except your home is currently insured as a residence. Adding in commercial woodworking or cooking operations may increase the risk of fire. More people may come into your home to buy goods or services. If they are injured by slipping on your floor tiles or tripping over a loose carpet, are you covered against third party liability claims? So here comes the headline: always tell your insurance company if you are going to change the use of your home. If you do not, the insurer could refuse to pay out on any claims!

Another possible way of raising money is to convert a part of your home into a self-contained flat and rent it out. That rental income could make a big difference when it comes to paying those monthly bills. Except that your policy will be limited to occupation by you and your family. Almost all policies have terms requiring you to tell the insurer if you increase the number of occupants. Again, failure to alert the insurer will lead to a refusal to pay out on claims.

Finally, let's say you have a little cash but negative housing equity. In better times, you would have traded up and purchased a bigger home. Now the best option looks to be adding to or renovating your home - being forced to stay does not mean the building must stay small and uncomfortable. Now remember the rebuilding value you declared when you got your home insurance quotes. That was the price per square foot of putting your home back into its then condition. If you increase the size and quality of your home, the price per square foot of reinstatement also goes up. You must tell your insurer about the proposed increase in value and whether any changes in the materials used will affect the risk, e.g. using more wood will increase the risk of fire, replacing a wood-burning stove with central heating reduces the risk. Remember home insurance quotes are only good for the home as you had it. Always tell your insurer when you change the size or building materials used.

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