Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez dating!!!!


Its official Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez pictures kissing. Recently Gomez was asked if her and justin were dating and she clearly said "no, that he is just a friend and thats he like her little brother" Well i guess Selena was lying to us. Recently over Christmas Vacation the two were spotted snuggling close to each other, while in St. Lucias for a short vacay. I dont think the two should go out, one because she is older than him, and two they will both lose fans because of this. Also Selena will be getting death threats just because hes with. i dont not support JELENA whatsoever in this relationship. The two were both in bathing suits, close together while jutsin was kissing her on the cheek. What do you guys think of this relationship?

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