Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Justin Bieber cleared of Criminal Charge

Recently Justin Bieber was charged with assault for punching a 12 year old boy in the face at Canadian Laser tag Park in October. The reason for the punch was  because the kid kept on calling Bieber "gay" and "faggot". bieber told him to be quiet and when he didnt Bieber had to handle things his way. Corporal Turley of the Richmond Royal Canadian Mounted Police told Radio Online -
'This investigation into the incident is complete & no charges will be forwarded as the evidence collected [doesn't] support doing so.'
The 12 year old boy may have called Justin names prior to the incident. Everyones happy now, except well proably the kid Bieber punched in the face. But at least now all the Bielibers are all happy that their obssesion is charge free.

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