Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Justin Bieber Never Say Never : Movie Package

Justin Bieber has  a new movie coming out on Valentines Day 2011. The movie is called Justin Bieber: Never Say Never.  The movie is not only about Bieber on the road touring but about some personal stuff that has happened and is happening on in his life. Its a very interesting wild packed movie feature.  You will recieve a very special package. The package includes a Justin Bieber bag, the movie ticket, purple 3D movie glasses, a Never Say Never wristband bracelet, a lanyard with his picture and a purple glow stick. You may be wondering why its all purple even the special purple 3D glasses? Well its because Biebers favorite color is purple. In fact if you are one of the first 100, you will recieve the lanyard signed by Justin Bieber himself. The package was priced at $30.00 each. There will be many Bielibers attending this movie on Valentines Day. Will you go watch Biebers movie?

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